In 2006, together with some friends, we created our first web page in front of the lack of information that we detected from the internet in a niche market related to the tourist activity.
We were at that moment as users, facing an infinite variety of web pages that offered little information and no relationship between them. Faced with this reality, we set ourselves the goal of creating a niche site specialized in containing general information of the subject, specific of the moment that was lived then and with links to the most important sites on the subject. We demanded several years to perfect the format and the appropriate information, but finally the experience was a success.
Starting in 2013 we decided to take this experience to other topics whose demand we saw as unsatisfied or whose diversity made it difficult to access relevant information without having to once again jump from site to site to find what one was looking for.
Today we can say that we have expanded the horizons to unimaginable places and we continue with the same spirit of finding the best way to reach more people with the information more suitable for each public.